Advanced Hydrology Hydraulic Geomorphology.
Innovative water resources management.

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Project Experiences

Ahydtech Geomorphic can conduct projects in the following areas:

Source: European Space Agency (ESA), The Earth Observatory (TEO), US Fish & Wildlife Services
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Hydrology, International (Bangladesh)

AHYDTECH Water Resources (BD) Ltd. is a sister organization in Bangladesh working in water resources, river morphology, hydrology and hydraulic. We are working on all the rivers and river systems of Bangladesh including the Padma, Meghna and Brahmaputra-Jamuna basins. We have been developing HEC-HMS hydrological models for the three major basins – Ganges (1,087,300 Km 2 ), Brahmaputra-Jamuna (552,000 Km 2 ), and Meghna (82,000 Km 2 ). These three basins together are one of the largest river basin systems of the world. The HEC-HMS models are being calibrated using observed flow data. The calibrated models will be used to simulate flows at subbasin outlets for water resources management, river dredging analysis, river morphology and bank erosion assessment, hydraulic and sediment transport analysis, natural channel design and river training.

Hydraulic Analysis, International (Bangladesh)

Coastal barriers offer improved wave absorption and deflection, for shoreline management and to protect public and private property from erosion and scour. AHYDTECH is experienced creating conceptual and detailed design of shoreline projects. Our staff collects topographic and bathymetry site data with RTK/GPS and ECO sounder technologies, to ensure the best possible design. We prepare Seawall, Breaking Wall and Revetment design for shoreline erosion protection. Groin design can offer additional wave dispersion to the shoreline structures. Using shoreline structural condition assessment, AHYDTECH will identify elements which can safely be repaired or reused to reduce building costs. Construction supervision and administration will be provided. The company is experience with consulting and achieving approval and permitting from MNR and Conservation Authorities.

Sediment Transport, International (Bangladesh)

AHYDTECH Water Resources (BD) Ltd. is a sister organization in Bangladesh working in water resources, river morphology, hydrology and hydraulic. We are working on all the rivers and river systems of Bangladesh including the Padma, Meghna and Brahmaputra-Jamuna basins. The company is developing Sediment Transport and River Morphology models of the three major rivers (Padma River, Jamuna River, and Meghna River) in Bangladesh. We have developed a 2D Sediment Transport and River Morphology Model of the Jamuna River. AHYDTECH has created a conceptual Natural Channel & River Training Design of 160 Km long the Jamuna River from Gaibandha to the Padma River confluence. The 2D Sediment Transport Model can be used for the detailed design of the Jamuna River Natural Channel and River Training Design.

Coastal Engineering

AHYDTECH has senior coastal professional engineer, who has completed numerous coastal engineering projects. These projects include shoreline management, shoreline erosion protection, marina design and implementation of waterfront. The company has experience in following types of coastal engineering projects: Shoreline Inventory, Shoreline Structural Condition Assessment, Bathymetry Data Collection, 2D and 3D hydrodynamic, Sediment Transport and Water Quality Modeling, Shoreline Erosion and Dynamic Beach Analysis, Shoreline Design and Protection Works, and Water Quality Modeling and Analysis. We apply estuarine and coastal processes including hydrodynamics, wind-wave actions, wave transformation, refraction, diffraction, shoaling, and breaking waves for understanding, analyzing, and designing for our coastal engineering projects. AHYDTECH provides planning and design services, construction supervision and administration including tidal marsh restoration, bio-engineered and breakwater structure design services. We use innovative technique including GPS, GNSS, total station, ECO sounder, boat and remote control boat for coastal data collection.

Hydrologic Modeling

AHYDTECH has extensive experience in hydrologic modeling. The company’s engineers have developed stochastic and deterministic models including lumped and physically distributed hydrologic models for aids in understanding, predicting, and managing water resources. We have used HEC-HMS, SWMHYMO, PCSWMM, SWMM, HSP-F, GAWSER, MIKE SHE, MIKE 11 NAM, & VISUAL OTTHYMO software to develop single rainfall event and continuous models. The hydrologic models are calibrated using observed flow data. The models use precipitation, temperature, soil, surficial geology, landuse/land cover and evapotranspiration data, reservoir/dam storage- discharge-volume rating curves, and IDF curves.

Hydraulic & Sediment Transport Modeling

AHYDTECH engineers have extensive experience in hydraulic and sediment transport modeling. AHYDTECH developed numerous 1D/2D Hydraulic, Water Quality and Sediment Transport models. AHYDTECH senior engineer developed a 2D hydrodynamic code in FORTRAN to study the “Cohesive River Bank Erosion Mechanism”. The model was calibrated using measured flow data. AHYDTECH develop hydraulic models to determine the aerial extents and inundation depths of flooding. Senior Engineer Dr. Bahar SM is the lead for development of hydraulic model. AHYDTECH use 1D Hydraulic Model using several software (HEC-RAS, PCSWMM, SWMM5, SWMM, MIKE 11) and 2D Hydraulic Model (SRH-2D, 2D HEC-RAS 5, RMA2, FESWMS, TUFLOW, STWAVE, ADCIRC, MIKE 21). We do floodplain characterization and comment on the degree of flood risk under the various return period events (5, 25, 50, 100 and 350 years) including the Regulatory event. Factors to consider in the assessment include, but not be limited to; frequency of flooding, flooding limits, depth, velocity, V*D product and water surface elevations.

Fluvial Geomorphology, Natural Channel Design, Channel Restoration Erosion Hazard & Bank Erosion

AHYDTECH Geomorphic senior fluvial geomorphologist Dr. Bahar SM has extensive experience in Fluvial Geomorphology. This experience includes natural channel design, channel restoration, channel realignment, meander belt width and hazard assessment, bank erosion protection and field geomorphic assessment, Dr. Bahar has worked for over 25 years in Fluvial Geomorphology and Water Resources Engineering. Dr. Bahar has been involved in over 60 fluvial geomorphic projects in both public and private developments. Examples of these projects include a geomorphic assessment to determine the natural channel design in the City of Brampton and field geomorphic and topographic studies on several watercourses in the Credit Valley Conservation area.